
Posts Tagged ‘April 2021’

April 2021

30/04/2021 Leave a comment

The month of:-

Periscope closes
Sunny Good Friday
Planting holes
Hacksaw Ridge
Blizzards & Sun
Phil The Greek
BBC over the top
Planting Strawberries
A week of frosty mornings
Getting lighter
Doge goes to the Moon
26 more
Anti-Life Breach
European Super League
Spring Loaded
ESL falls
Boiler service
Lettuce Planting
A touch of sun burn
Radish & Mint
10K Karma
Postal vote
Back to The Tumble
iOS 14.5 and other Apple OS Updates
Apple TV Calibration
A Burger in the Rain

Coming in May 2021

Welsh and English indoor Pubs reopen

Categories: That Was... Tags: , ,

For Saturday 24 April 2021

24/04/2021 Leave a comment

The Saturday Wrap for 24 April 2021. Planting Potatoes, Anti-Life, ESL, #SpringLoaded, Postal Vote, Light Thursday, FAM & Boiler Service.  #Bedwas #SaturdayWrap 

For Saturday 17 April 2021

17/04/2021 Leave a comment

The Saturday Wrap for 17 April 2021. A week of frost, Apollo 18, Planting Strawberries, Police help, #FreeCuthbert, Dogecoin and FAM.  #Bedwas #SaturdayWrap 

For Saturday 10 April 2021

10/04/2021 Leave a comment

The Saturday Wrap for 10 April 2021. Easter, staking Atom and others, digging empty holes, Hackshaw Ridge, Blizzards, Clots, Prince Phillip and the BBC.  #Bedwas #SaturdayWrap 

Garden – April 2021

05/04/2021 Leave a comment

The weather in March was all over the place, including the hottest days of the year so far. There was also frosts and some very rainy days. The lawn was patched and despite it saying germination with four days it took a fortnight. My Strawberry plants are rather sparse, so new ones are on order. I was hoping to put them in over Easter but they haven’t arrived, which is just was well as the overnights have been rather cold and getting colder and frostier. I have 22 McCain Premiere First Early seed Potatoes in, both in containers and bags. The rest are currently waiting to go in due to the impending frosty weather. Looks like it will be mid April before they go in. However, the holes for them in the garden have been dug and it will just be a question of popping them in, covering them and giving them a good watering. Much planting as soon as the weather turns warmer.

For Saturday 03 April 2021

03/04/2021 Leave a comment

The Saturday Wrap for 03 April 2021. BST, stop the clocks from changing, weather forecasts, Hottest day, Bap Daps, Window Open, Periscope and cold Easter weekend.  #Bedwas #SaturdayWrap