
Posts Tagged ‘Gloucester Rugby’

20240330 mb05 Day 02 Wrap

31/03/2024 Leave a comment

A sunny but fresh start to the day with a Premier Inn all you can eat Full English breakfast. Beer Blogging from The Regal. The Regal, The Turks Head and The Pelican all full of Gloucester Rugby Fans. Finishing the day with an Irish Apricot Sour.

Gloucester At Home

31/03/2024 Leave a comment

Fuelled up on a Premier Inn all you can eat Full English, I made my way to The Regal. Blogging and Beer drinking. It filled up with Gloucester Rugby Fans.

I wanted to go to The Turks Hurd but that was wall to wall with Gloucester Rugby Fans.

Luckily, I got to The Pelican before it too filled up with Gloucester Rugby Fans. I was stuck in the corner unable to get to the bar. However, it all ended with a wonderful Irish Apricot Sour.

Double Cheese and Onion