
Posts Tagged ‘Easter Beer Festival’

mb05 2024 Unplugged

01/04/2024 Leave a comment

Rain, closed, Fest, Rugby packed and the Hop Kettle. Mostly all the updates and a huge file size.

Guaranteed Poor Lighting

20240329 mb05 Day 01 Wrap

30/03/2024 Leave a comment

It was just turning light as I left home. However, it rained all the way to Gloucester, which was not forecast and Costa didn’t open until 08:00, despite what its website said. The Lord High Constable of England for Coffee and Beer, Bacon Butties and Diet Cupcakes.

The Gloucester Brewery Easter Beer Festival, blowy but dry. Cask and Keg in plastic glass but as plastic glasses go, not bad. The first band had a young lady playing a Les Paul, solid for Easter.

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