
Archive for 29/10/2023

20231028 mb13 Day 01 Wrap

29/10/2023 Leave a comment

Lots of damp Autumn weather on the journey down. Portishead was dark, dry and windy. Sainsbury’s for the later food and an Apple gift card. Bacon Butty and Coffee to start in The Posset Cup. The Cask Ales were Fine. The Port, FTTC, Great Ales and Great Staff. The Siren’s Calling with chips from next door and then the rains came. Great welcome in The Premier Inn and an extra free hour.

Internal MacBook Air Camera

Different But The Same

29/10/2023 Leave a comment

Not keen on dark and wet starts to Mini Beanos, or lack of street lamps and 20mph speed limits either. Portishead started dry but windy. Sainsbury’s was friendly and the Spoons Bacon Butty hit the mark. You can’t beat Simcoe. Took a while to find the Port but it was well worth it. Fast FTTC too. The Siren’s Calling, Fine Bristol Ales and chips from the Chippy next door. And, then it rained. a lot.

The Port Bar – Portishead