Home > Prelude > 20240329 Prelude mb05 Gloucester March 24

20240329 Prelude mb05 Gloucester March 24

The cold, Good Friday mini beano but at least the journey up was light, even if the clocks go forward over the weekend.  Quicktime Player and a 1.45GB short, well that’s not good.  

The journey up was much lighter than I thought it would be but not forecast, it rained all the way. With some very heavy rain on the M5. Costa’s website didn’t say that it would have later opening on Good Friday. Sainsbury’s opened as normal on a Friday and its website confirmed that.

Breakfast was in Spoons, not Costa therefore and it was cheaper too.  Gloucester Brewery, The Pelican and The Hop kettle throughout the weekend.

Music generated by Mubert https://mubert.com/render

Rainy Good Friday

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